AOS #47 The Airline, Dedham and Orrington School Departments are closed today due to road closures, power outages and inclement weather.

Lifetouch will be at Dedham School on Thursday, October 29 for Pod 1 student photos and on Friday, October 30 for Pod 2 student photos.

All after-school activities are cancelled for Friday, October 16th due to rain.

There will be no after-school activities today due to the rain.
Thank you. (10/13/20)

Grade 6-8 students were given PowerSchool login information last week. Please check in with them to access your child's grades. Contact your child's homeroom teacher for more information.

October activities begin Monday for Pod 1 and Tuesday for Pod2.
These include biking, badminton, running, chess, and soccer drills/skills.
Students were given permission slips Thursday and today and should return them Mon/Tues to Mr. Christie in order to participate.

Morning Drop-Off Reminder: In light of the current situation we are no longer able to offer a 7:30am bus room for students to be dropped off early. Parents are asked to drop students off no earlier than 8:00am as teacher supervision of students will not begin until that time. Parents will not be allowed in the building at drop off, limiting the amount of people in the building at one time. Thank you for your cooperation.

Go to "School News" to see our school reopening video.

A reopening survey has been sent to parents via their email. This survey is also available on the school website. Please, take a moment to fill the survey out. So that we know what your plans are for your child(ren’s) return to school.

The Dedham School Parade begins this morning at 9:00!
We hope to see our students on the parade route so we can say, "Goodbye & thanks for a great year!"

8th Grade Virtual Graduation is tonight at 6:00. Look for links in an email and on the website.

The Dedham School Wellness Team has proclaimed Friday, April 17th as Kindness Day for Dedham School Families. Please see the following link for more information. https://docs.google.com/document/d/18Z2bHZlkcHef8vN49PVrdjLLE8a3erPqqdOBz6QYYzg/edit?usp=sharing

On Friday, April 17, students receiving meals will be getting ten days worth, enough for the complete April vacation. Milk will be delivered in gallon jugs, instead of the small containers. You will also be receiving suggested menus with this delivery. If you would like to suspend your food delivery during April vacation and resume it on Monday, April 27th, just send me an email and we can do that for you. Be Well!

Due to the many power outages our staff is experiencing, students may not get assignments from their teachers. Try to enjoy the spring snow! Stay safe!

Hope this video helps brighten your day!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlUQOA6XKto

Good Morning, With the impending storm on Friday, we will be sending enough meals today for the next 5 days. Please be expecting extra food and deliveries maybe a little later than usual today. Stay healthy everyone.

The CDC has recommended that playgrounds not be used because they have not been disinfected. There is still uncertainty about the shelf life of the Covid-19 virus on surfaces. Please do not use the Dedham School playground equipment at this time. Thank you.

Middle School staff Virtual Meeting today at 11:00 on Google Hangouts.

Learning packet pickup is today from 7 AM to 7 PM. Just pull into the parking lot & staff members will bring your child’s materials out to your car.

AOS #47 will be delivering free breakfasts and lunches to students age 18 and under during the time school is out. If you are in need of meals please contact the Superintendent's office at 825-3364. Food will be delivered Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays beginning on March 18.